Birthday Freebies: The positive aspect of growing old(er)! Some are regional, others may require a sure to call or check the company's website. Happy birthday to all!

Shop Smart!
As singles, we often rightfully complain that many money-saving offers cater to couples and families. From family memberships to BOGO deals, the one-person household loses out. While this isn't apt to change in the future, there are ways in which we, too, can get more bang for our buck. Some tried-and-true, highly recommended money-saving websites with good deals abound: How I wish I had known about this app sooner! Honey leads you to coupons, promos, and deals when you purchase goods online. This site allows the user to search for nearby deals on restaurants, travel, spa visits, health/wellness, and much more. Bonus: businesses that are offering deals are rated by consumers. Free to sign up. Similar to groupon, this site offers deals on restaurants, travel, products, etc. Free to sign up and easy to navigate. An oldie but a goodie. Worth using the search bar if you are looking for a deal or coupon for a specific business.
Best websites for scoring "good deals"--I haven't personally checked out all of them but the ones listed above are "tried and true" by yours truly
Need info about a business in your area? Angie's List: Read reviews for FREE
Advice, Please!
Are you sick and tired of advice from married friends, family members, and coworkers who truly mean well but don't understand today's dating world? I am by no means a psychologist, counselor, or mental health professional. What I am is a single who has been there and can understand the trials and tribulations of singlehood.
[email protected]
Are you sick and tired of advice from married friends, family members, and coworkers who truly mean well but don't understand today's dating world? I am by no means a psychologist, counselor, or mental health professional. What I am is a single who has been there and can understand the trials and tribulations of singlehood.
[email protected]