After a ten and a half hour workday, I woke up with the most horrendous cold. BAM...without warning, I my nose was stuffed to the point where I could barely breathe, my ears were clogged, my thoughts were foggy, and I felt downright cranky. As I battle this monstrous cold, I've decided to dedicate this week's post to surviving as a single when you're feeling way under the weather. My best tips:
Wish I had more for ya but sadly I do not. Cold and flu season hasn't even started yet and I've whipped through a whole box of tissues in one day. I'm off to heat up some frozen pizza and a sidedish of veggies. Stay well, everyone!
- Keep your 'fridge and pantry somewhat stocked at all times. You never know when a monster cold will strike, and at least you won't be stuck running out to the store when you can barely function.
- Stop procrastinating at work. Somehow colds pop up at the worst of times, such as when you've put off assignments and they are coming due. If you are caught up, you won't have to work double time when you are at your worst.
- Don't dwell on how you'll feel as an 85 year old lifelong single. Instead, think of friends who are in miserable relationships and be glad you are not one of them!
- Pamper yourself--find time for a warm bath, read a book, or binge watch some of your favorite tv shows.
- Stay in contact with friends and family. Somehow, just hearing a friendly voice can make one feel (somewhat) better.
- Be a friend to others when they are sick and they just may repay your kindness. Start your own circle of kindness in your neighborhood or with your group of friends.
- Simple meals and comfort food: now is not the time to cook an elaborate meal, as you'll be stuck with doing all those dishes and just may run out of energy. Keep it simple and if you are really feeling crummy just order take out. Now is not the time to worry about calories. Feel better first.
Wish I had more for ya but sadly I do not. Cold and flu season hasn't even started yet and I've whipped through a whole box of tissues in one day. I'm off to heat up some frozen pizza and a sidedish of veggies. Stay well, everyone!